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Llamado a ayudantes de investigación

Se llama a aspirantes para desarrollar tareas de investigación en el proyecto:*Desarrollo de análogos de tocoferol liberadores de óxido nitrico diseñados como potenciales agentes antiaterogénicos·

En el Uruguay, las enfermedades circulatorias consecuencia de la aterosclerosis constituyen la principal causa de morbimortalidad. La aterosclerosis es una compleja enfermedad de diversa etiología, donde la oxidación, adhesión aumentada y alteración en el metabolismo de las lipoproteínas son eventos clave asociados al desarrollo de la lesión. La oxidación lipídica se propone como una lesión temprana, considerando que la modificación de la LDL por las células u otros mecanismos la dotan de características proaterogénicas. Sobre esta base, se
ha sugerido que una dieta rica en antioxidantes o la suplementación con antioxidantes naturales podría detener o enlentecer el progreso de la enfermedad aterosclerótica. En este sentido se han realizado una cantidad importante de estudios clínicos que involucran la administración de distintos antioxidantes naturales con el objetivo de prevenir enfermedades cardiovasculares, los que sin embargo no han permitido obtener resultados exitosos. De aquí la importancia de desarrollar nuevos fármacos con mejorada capacidad antioxidante in vivo. La LDL humana contiene antioxidantes que inhiben la oxidación lipídica, siendo el a-tocoferol el más abundante. Éste es selectivamente dirigido hacia la LDL durante su metabolismo y como forma de distribución hacia todas las células, por acción de la proteína transferidora de a-tocoferol. Por otra parte, el óxido nítrico (.NO) es un radical libre que tiene una acción biológica antioxidante. Por lo tanto, moléculas híbridas combinando la estructura de la vitamina E y grupos liberadores de óxido nítrico, para entregar •NO específicamente en la LDL in vivo sería una estrategia terapéutica para protegerla de modificaciones oxidativas, contribuyendo al tratamiento de la aterosclerosis.

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Convocatoria CYTED 2011

La convocatoria CYTED se encuentra abierta desde el 1 de febrero hasta el 31 de marzo a las 17 horas (hora local de Madrid, España). Dicha convocatoria
tendrá disponibles las siguientes líneas de investigación en las áreas:

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Best Schools to Organize for a Task in Astronomy

By resurrecting an essay from the 60th anniversary of the obscene precursor to genocide, the night of Nov 9 10 will tag the anniversary of Kristallnacht, the popular Nights Damaged Jews for that Availability of Guns Control tells its followers. Written by Rabbi R. The recounting of the night time of official violence and terror gives a graphical indication of what happens when folks that are disarmed are helpless to guard themselves from evil. Image by Gallup/Getty Images There are two popular lies spread today by latterday leftists. The first is one of projection, amounting Nazis with “conservatives,” and denying the National Socialists were precisely what they claimed to become. Its part of the “For progressives, every day is Reverse Time” truism that identifies incorrectly self-determined “liberals,” and its a deception offering cover to ideological heirs that are accurate. “It’s now not bounce beyond all reasonable question that others, including socialists, imagined thus also, and that his contacts and Hitler presumed they certainly were socialists,” publisher George Watson and examiner revealed. ” [ Hitlers ] variations with all the communists were less ideological than [and] total that is of Nationwide Socialism was depending on Marx.” The next large lie help with by latter-day “progressives” (national socialists inside their own right, once you study their requirements) is the fact that Hitler lessened the “gun control” laws applied by the Weimar Republic, and that having markers wouldnt have preserved the Jews anyway. “The law did forbid Jews and other persecuted sessions from owning firearms, but this would not be an indictment of gun-control generally,” Alexander Seitz-Wald wrote amazingly in a Salon reach portion, as if that caused it to be all alright then, because low-threats for the regimen might still ask them to. And it wasnt only guns forbidden to “persecuted courses,” as a JPFO examination of the December 11, 1938 (the afternoon after Kristallnacht) regulation reveals. ” Jews… Are forbidden from holding, buying, and carrying truncheons and ammunition, in addition to firearms or stabbing guns,” regulations read. “These currently obtaining weapons and ammunition are in once to turn them over to the area police authority.” Consult medalist Alfred Flatow how that worked out for him, notably since the government had an inevitable consequence of fraudulently, marker enrollment lists -endorsed “background checks.” After which get hold of a copy of “Gun-Control by Stephen P,” within the Third Reich. Halbrook, and see the fund that is extraordinary that went into refuting contemporary Enablement Deniers like Sitz Bath, or whatever his name is. Are you aware that argument that Jews would have been struggling to escape their destiny had they been armed, could you have chosen to go quietly to the cows cars together with your family? Consider just what a difference has been produced had nothing-to-shed weight like that found in 1943s Warsaw Ghetto rebellion been started decades earlier, and wherever people of individuals were terrorized from the “monopoly of push” that rabid totalitarians however increase while the means things should really be. In order to deceive true-to type, theyre sanitizing the term. Its actually a “monopoly of hatred, ” also it was endorsed by German political economist and sociologist Max Weber, who reinforced endorsement of Post 48 to the Weimar constitution, creating “emergency powers” to avoid Reichstag permission, and allow Adolf Hitler’s climb to unchallenged strength. The video that is embedded is actually a promotional truck for JPFOs awardwinning ” Betrayed,” part of a selection of landmark movies and guides exceptional to ” opponent of weapons ownership.” Another personal-statements.biz video, “The Ghetto Uprising,” can be viewed in total, why not consider 10 units to accomplish it currently? To individuals who would “whistle past history’s graveyard,” reject that tyranny that is raw could actually happen below, and phone talk of armed safety unsupportable as well as treasonous, wherever in history is any world guaranteed stasis? Has every civilization that preceded mine affected? Can it be not, through the entire planet, nevertheless prevalent in-fact? By what denial of the probable as well as the observable, by miracle, device or what craft are we sheltered several immune from tragedy? Are we specific, from lucky vantage point and our brief, that things may actually stay heading curiosities? Is it not naive, willfully blind or completely bogus to announce that our common way of existence may forever function as the tradition, when exactly what has gone before us shows we’re, alternatively, the exceptionally lucky heirs of a rare and lucky unity of circumstances — and one, in addition, that’s only been stored under push of biceps? The expression “Never again” provides us with terms that are great. Minus the means to back those phrases up, thats all-they are. Anybody who requires “progressive” citizen disarmament edicts is not just not your buddy, but a ready or deluded opponent of all who rely on wise practice government handle.

Llamado a Biólogo Molecular para el Instituto Pasteur- Montevideo

La Unidad de Animales Transgénicos y Experimentación y la Unidad de Valorización del Instituto Pasteur de Montevideo llama a postulantes para cubrir un cargo de Biólogo Molecular. Se propone desarrollar actividades en el marco del Proyecto Alianza Estratégica para la Innovación de la ANII: PE_ALI_1_1702 “Creación de un consorcio internacional para la evaluación preclínica de cepas probióticas destinadas a prototipos alimentarios lácteos”.

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Biotecnología aplicada al sector oleícola: Proyecto OILCA

Se ha puesto en marcha el proyecto internacional `OiLCA´, que pretende determinar la huella de carbono de la producción del aceite de oliva, la gestión de sus residuos y los costes que se le asocian.

Este proyecto ha sido presentado oficialmente en Mengíbar, Jaén, el 13 de Enero del presente, siendo este el primer proyecto internacional liderado por CITOLIVA (Centro Tecnológico del Olivar y del Aceite; fundación privada sin fines de lucro, creada para implantar innovadoras metodologías y sistemas tecnológicos que solucionen de manera efectiva las demandas y necesidades del sector oleícola), `OiLCA´, y aprobado por la iniciativa comunitaria SUDOE. El mismo nace con el propósito de mejorar la competitividad del sector oleícola del espacio SUDOE, reduciendo el impacto ambiental de la producción de aceite de oliva mediante la aplicación de los principios de la ecoeficiencia.
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